Friday, March 18, 2011

What's Your Recipe?

First of all, I just want to say that my coffee was excellent this morning! Having all the right ingredients and using them how they are intended makes all the difference in the world! But, (another coffee-inspired thought that just came to me) the, "right," ingredients are different for everyone. Some might like cream, no sweetener. Others sweetener, no cream. Some a combination of both; and some prefer neither. If the, "right," mix for coffee can be so different from individual to individual-- imagine how different our purpose and our ministry can vary from person to person! How we use our life is influenced by the gifts God gave us and the personality He made us with-- and that goes far deeper than the preference of a drink! Point-- we all have a unique recipe for our life and just because it might vary from the person next to us doesn't mean we can't do great things and fulfill our purpose! Refer back to, "Appreciate Your Gifts," and, "Do Not Be Fooled, Do Not Compare," for a more detailed description of what I am talking about!

Speaking of different gifts through different people, Chad and I attended our first group Bible study through Transformation Church. It was awesome!! We were the youngest couple by a good bit--- there were married couples, divorced individuals and singles--- a variety of ages and ethnic groups. The thing that is so great about it we were all studying together and helping the group as a whole see concepts through the eyes of someone else. If the group wasn't so diverse, we would be missing out on a lot of the picture! That's just another example of everyone's unique recipe for life-- and the one-of-a-kind way God can use our lives to help others!

Nutrition Challenge:
Today I want you to treat yourself! You will notice that periodically, treating yourself will be the challenge of the day. Nobody can stick to eliminating things that they really like 100% of the time, so having a day to treat yourself will help to eliminate cravings you might have. Don't overdo it, but take the day to enjoy something for you... you deserve it!

Fitness Challenge:
Depending on where you live, weather conditions might be different... but in the Charlotte/Fort Mill area, temperatures are in the low to mid 80s today. With that being said, if the weather where you are is amazing today, take the time to enjoy a walk or a job outside! There is nothing stopping you from taking your cardio or even your interval cardio sessions outside! If the weather is less than desirable where you are today, stick to doing cardio inside-- whether at the gym or elsewhere (mall, house, anywhere you can move around). Movement is the key today!

Out of Your Comfort Zone:
This challenge will completely depend on where you personally are in your relationship with God... but, share something about your church or your personal experience with someone today.  Maybe it's something that is hard for you to talk about-- but the more you open up, the more your support system will grow. I am not, by any means, saying to be the person we have all seen on the street corner shouting at cars as they go by. No, that is not the desired way to share the Word. Instead, be an example in your day-to-day routine. If you don't have a relationship with God or if you haven't found a church to call home (of if church is something you have never experienced), give it a try! I am not trying to be pushy-- but I have seen the difference in my life from the time I was just going through the motions to now where it is something very intentional for me. It is something that I want everyone else to experience, too!

Change Your Thinking:
How many of us openly and honestly admit our weaknesses? Probably not a lot. It's hard to admit that we can't do something by ourself or to say that we need the help of someone else. But, it's important to realize, that by sharing our weaknesses with others we can help them find strength to face something they might be going through-- as well as find strength in ourselves for having the courage to share. Who better to help someone go through a challenging event that someone else who has experienced the exact same thing in their life? To experience the healing that we can help someone else experience, we have to stop seeing our weaknesses as a burden and start seeing them as a way to help!
Meet: Olivia, Elise, Carla, Hannah and Cameron! These are some of my sorority sisters. I have always loved this picture because it shows a group of young women being silly and simply enjoying each others company. When you get a large group, like a sorority, it takes many different personalities and talents to make the group work. Of course, this is just a picture of a few of the many girls-- but I love it! Each and every girl is wonderful and makes a huge impact in their unique way! 

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