Has anyone found something in their community to get involved in? If you haven't, I urge you to. I know time is valuable-- but it is amazing how much you get out of your time when you are using it to help those around you and make the world a better place! If you don't know of somewhere to volunteer, ask those around you-- I am sure they can come up with something for you (maybe they even need help themselves)!
Today, we are going to take a break from the challenges... everyone has worked hard this week and I think deserves a Friday to relax! Of course, even though there are no new challenges today-- all of the ones from the past are still valid and ongoing! If there are things you haven't gotten around to yet-- use today to get them done! Not only do I challenge everyone to do certain things-- I follow the challenges myself. I promise they make a change and have a huge impact in my daily life and routine.
Some examples of how my life has been changing since I started this blog (thanks to yall for reading and holding me accountable)!
--I have stuck to my daily readings and have been sure to get up early enough to have my day started on the right foot. For me, that makes a HUGE difference. I am not a morning person--at all--so, getting up early was hard for me initially. But, once I got in the habit of it has become something that I absolutely can't do without.
--I carry my Bible with me absolutely everywhere I go-- If I get stressed or frustrated with something throughout the day-- I open it and read. All the verses mentioned in this blog have been directly related to what I have read or focused on that day.
--Chad and I have both started to get more actively involved in the church and the community. We are looking for a small group at our church to start attending-- and I have found a Wednesday night women's meeting with a friend's church. I am also working with the outreach team from my church and we are collecting food in our office to feed 54 elementary school students. As I have become more involved, I have started to get more emails and encouragement from the other members of the church. Encouragement really does go a long way!!
--I have talked to my friends from home and from college a lot more often-- making time for the important things.
--Chad and I have devoted more time to spend with each other--making time for the important things again-- and our relationship continues to grow and even get better!
--I have sent messages to people I have lost contact with-- have heard back from some, and not from others--but reaching out still helps!
--Diet and exercise are and have been on point-- but I am continuing to work on my routine and have been talking to more people about living a healthy lifestyle!
Hope you are all noticing some positive changes in your life, as well!
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -E.E Cummings
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