Thursday, March 17, 2011

What's Missing?

This morning when I went downstairs to make my coffee, I noticed that we were out of stevia (a natural sweetener derived from a plant...). But, we still have that wonderful creamer I wrote about previously, so I made the coffee anyway. The cup is sitting beside me right now and I am drinking it-- but it is a lot more bitter than I would like. It will do, but it's not as good as I know it could be. Point-- Sometimes the things that are missing in your life (or in this case, your cup of coffee) make a bigger difference than the things that you have. Also, who would agree that I have some of my best thoughts while drinking coffee (joking)?

Reflecting on the Point Above-- In the past six weeks; my significant other, our house, our jobs, our cars or anything else that we possess haven't changed at all. But, six weeks ago we found a church and starting going together. I started waking up early enough to read, "The Purpose Driven Life," or do a devotional before the day started. A couple weeks after that, I started writing this blog.
Now, we are looking for more ways to get involved in the church and everything about our outlook on life has improved. Not saying we were always down or that something was always wrong before-- life was okay-- but something was missing.
We have both been Christians for a long time-- going through the motions, praying and all that. But, now we are actually doing what we are meant to do and building a relationship with God. Now, that relationship and that faith is something we turn to first. I grew up in a church-- so did Chad-- but that doesn't, by default, mean that we had the personal relationship with God that we were supposed to.
Now, even though we still go to work, go to the gym, and go through all the motions of a typical week-- we are much more positive and focus on building each other up at work-- we go to the gym together. The amount of time in the day hasn't changed, but we are definitely making the most of it! Tonight, we are going to our first small-group Bible study-- and I can't wait! I've been excited about it all week. So, the day is still 24hrs-- but we are getting so much more out of our time (and more importantly, because of the shift in our attitudes, we are giving a lot more back!!)!

Nutrition Challenge:
Since I mentioned Stevia at the beginning of the post, I challenge everyone to purchase some (I prefer the individual packets, but it is completely a personal preference). It is a natural, zero calorie sweetener (without all the chemicals found in things such as Sweet n Low). There are pages upon pages of the benefits of Stevia. You don't have to take my word for it-- look it up and start using it anywhere you would use sugar or another sweetener!

Fitness Challenge:
How is everyone feeling after the wall squats from yesterday? I hope you remembered to stretch afterwards! Yesterday was my back, biceps and triceps day-- intense workout, for sure!
Today, we are going to learn how to do a Dumbbell Row (works your back, biceps and rear delts). There are many variations-- so feel free to find the one that works the best for you. If you don't have dumbbells, thats okay-- we can improvise with canned food or anything else that will provide a slight resistance. Start with a light weight and focus on proper form before you increase the weight!
1. Stand straight with a dumbbell in each hand. The closer your feet are to each other, the more challenging the exercise will be (because you are having to stabilize yourself).
2. Bend forward at the waist until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Your knees should be bent slightly.
3. Keep your arms close to your sides and pull the dumbbells up until they touch the sides of your chest.
4. Lower slowly and repeat.
5. Keep your shoulder blades pulled in towards your spine and really focus on lifting with your back and not your arms.
**If you have any questions about this exercise or need a visual, please don't hesitate to watch a video or search for images. Proper form is necessary.
Start by doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Out of Your Comfort Zone:
Sticking with the theme above, what is missing from your life? If it's a group of supportive people around you, find one. If it is a close friend to hold you accountable for the changes you are making, let them know that you need their support. If it's a place to serve and help your community, stop putting it off and get involved. The fact is, we can always come up with excuses to put off doing what we know we should-- so today, stop with the excuses and do what your heart has been telling you to do! It takes a leap of faith to get involved-- but trust that God will never call you to do something that you can't do with His help! It's a different concept to think about what we can add to our schedule instead of always thinking about how busy we are-- but, focusing on the right activities will make a huge difference in the way you think and feel!

Change Your Thinking:
We have been focusing a lot on serving and what you can do with your time. In the world's standard, people typically serve to get recognition from others or to prove that they are good. So, I want you to focus on being different and serving the right way.
Serve for what you can do for others... not for the recognition you can gain for yourself. Serve because you want to... not because you feel like you have to. Serve in whatever way you can--big or small-- instead of thinking that you have to wait around for a huge opportunity. Make opportunities out of the circumstances you encounter everyday.

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

"Love cannot remain by itself-- it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service." (Mother Teresa)
Meet Granny-- One of the best ladies I have ever know. She lived with my family from the time I was 2years old and had such a huge impact on all of our lives. I could write pages upon pages about Granny and still not say enough. Losing her was one of the hardest things I have ever experienced-- even though I know she is in a better place with God, her husband and both of their daughters. She was strong and helpful and was always doing something for others-- and she never expected anything back. She didn't help others because she wanted recognition-- she did it because she wanted to and because she knew it was right. If you have someone in your life like my Granny, please let them know that you love them and that you appreciate all that they do for you and for everyone they come in contact with. I can't explain how much you will miss them when you can't tell them those things anymore....

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