Good morning everyone! Wow, it's nice to be back to my daily routine. About mid-day yesterday, I finally got out of bed-- today should be 100% back to normal! Thank you for being patient with me.
First of all, I just want to expand a little bit about the service at Transformation on Sunday. We started a new series and now would be the perfect time for you to attend if you live in the Charlotte area... or to listen online if you don't. All the services are on the website ( The new series is, "Who is God and why does it matter," and is meant to give us a greater understanding of the amazing impact God has in our day-to-day life (or at least that's what I have gathered from it after one service-- I'm sure the message will expand every week... so, listen)!
Now, expanding a little bit more on being sick. I used to get migraines all the time (and by all the time, I mean 3 times a month). The one I am just getting over was only my 4'th in the last 13 to 14 months---so, a lot better. But, the thing about it is, Chad understands how miserable they make me and he is always patient when I have one. On Monday, he came home during lunch to take care of and to check on me... and even offered to change the schedule around if I needed him to. Point being-- you can show someone you love them and you care in any situation. I am not the most fun person to be around when I am sick-- but he still came home to check on me. Use whatever circumstance you are given to show those around you that you care.
Nutrition Challenge:
Today, we are going to focus on hydration. Yes, increasing your water intake has been a challenge already. But, as the weather starts to get warmer, hydration will be even more important (especially if you plan on being active-- which I am sure we all are)! Water is of course the best... if you get bored or don't like drinking just plain water all the time-- add in a Propel or Gatorade or a drink of that kind from time to time. The point is, just focus on keeping yourself hydrated. Spring is starting-- and if we start to focus on hydration now, we will be much better off when the temperatures reach the extremes this summer!
Fitness Challenge:
Yesterday my friend Cory (introduced earlier) sent me a text message inviting me to join his team in the Peachtree Road Race on July 4th. It's a 10k (6.2 miles) in downtown Atlanta. If you have ever been in Atlanta on July 4, you know how hot is it. If you have ever tried to run outside in that kind of heat, you know the dedication (and hydration!) it takes. My initial response was something like, "a 10k when it's that hot? I think I would die." Then, I told Chad about it. His response, "you could do it if you wanted to. I think you should." Based on that, who has more faith in me? So today's fitness challenge is: Don't limit yourself before you even try. CHALLENGE yourself to do something you wouldn't have tried before. It can be anything, but don't place limitations on yourself before you give yourself the chance to succeed.
Out of Your Comfort Zone:
Sticking with the theme-- we all have our routines and things we are comfortable with. There are certain restaurants you like, certain places you shop because they are familiar... You have a routine in basically everything, whether you realize it or not. For example, there are a variety of ways to get from the office to our house, but I drive the exact same way everyday! So today, try something new! A new food, a new restaurant... or even better, talk to someone you have seen multiple times (maybe at work) and have never spoken to. It doesn't matter what way you take it... but today, really get out of your personal comfort zone!
Change Your Thinking:
At the beginning of the post, I said it was nice to be back in my daily routine. In the challenge above, I told you to change your routine and get out of your own personal comfort zone. To clarify-- by my routine, I meant my morning reading, devotional and blog. If there are things that start your day off better, please do them! But, if there are things you do simply because you are comfortable with them, challenge yourself. Today's Change Your Thinking Challenge is going to stick to the same principle as the challenges above... Have faith in yourself and know that you can accomplish GREAT things that ONLY you can do. Who knows-- maybe you are the only person that can reach an individual. Maybe you are the only influence someone has. Maybe seeing you is the highlight of someone's day. You never really know the impact your life can have on others. So, today make it a point to be that positive influence-- but not only to others, but also to yourself. Don't be your own limiting factor. Have faith in yourself and know that you have the ability to accomplish everything God has planned for you. You don't have to do it alone!
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