Last week, a friend of mine invited me to go to a book club with her. It's a group of her friends and she has never gone before and wanted to take someone with, she asked me. Now, if you know me, you know that in a setting like that-- with people I have never met-- I would ALWAYS want to be prepared. So, when I said that I would go (without even knowing what book they were discussing), it was a surprise even to myself! Sarah (my friend who invited me) text me on Saturday to say that she was getting the book and would bring it to me at the office on Monday (she works right next door). So, I get the book THE DAY BEFORE the book club. Again, out of character for me to not be prepared. *I LOVE impromptu speaking, but like to be prepared for a discussion group; especially when I only know one person involved* So yesterday, around 5:00, she brought me the book that we are going to discuss tonight. She handed it over and said that she didn't like it, so she just went over the study notes in the back. After Chad and I left the office, we went to the gym. By the time we got home, it was almost 8pm and by the time we had dinner it was after 8:30... and I still had to take a shower. So, last night after I had done everything required, I started reading the book. I read until about 11:30-- so, just short of a couple hours-- and was already well into the book. I read again this morning for about 30 minutes or so and I am now 2 chapters away from finishing.
Now, for the point of the story. Saying that I would go to something out of the blue and not knowing what was being discussed was out of character enough. Secondly, short of talking during the day and going to say hey to each other in our offices, Sarah and I have never hung out. We talk a lot-- but mainly during work hours and text messages from time to time. So, why would she invite me (of all people) to go to a book club with her? Also, why would she not like a book that I simply can't put down? This is an example of God giving me EXACTLY what I need right now, without me even realizing that I needed it.
The name of the book is, "I'm Not Good Enough...and Other Lies Women Tell Themselves," and it is written by Sharon Jaynes. It has chapters dedicated to different topics, but it starts off by knowing who the enemy is (satan) and knowing where the lies we tell ourselves come from. It then goes to talking about forgiving ourselves and forgiving others, because God already has... and then talks about being happy in our circumstances and not playing the, "what-if," game with ourselves. Yes, there are other topics, but that gives you a general idea. Every issue discussed is backed up with stories and, most importantly, Bible verses.
Now, the name of the book doesn't really scream to me, "read me, read me." But, I am so glad that I did (or that I am-- I have 2 chapters left)! I wrote Chad a text message this morning and it simply said, "I'm on page 171 of that book already. So weird-- Sarah didn't like it, but it's EXACTLY what I need to be reading. About being happy in circumstances and with who you are. About forgiveness and about trusting God's plan with everything. I didn't even know I needed to read all of that until I started..." Chad's response, "Excellent! That book was obviously placed in your hands for a reason."
So yeah, God has a plan for us and everything-- even seemingly meaningless things-- happen for a reason. God gives us what we need and gives us all the strength we need to live the life HE meant for us and to bring glory to HIM. What has happened in your life lately that you can 100% see God's Hand in every step?
Today, I am amazed at what God is doing in my life and in my heart... Today, there won't be the challenges you have come to expect from me. I want you to focus on Him and on what He is doing in your life. Even if you don't understand, praise Him and know that He has a plan for you! You have a purpose-- and you are beautiful just the way you are! The great thing about God and His love and forgiveness is that we will never be worthy of it or deserve it-- but we have it anyway, simply because we are HIS!
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