Monday, April 4, 2011

Passion is a Powerful Thing!

Nutrition Challenge:
This weekend, when my family was here, we went out to eat for a majority of meals. But, that doesn't mean that you have to make unhealthy choices! On Friday night, we went for sushi. On Saturday for lunch, we went to a pub and I had a spinach salad with grilled mahi mahi.On the salad, I barely used any of the dressing in order to ensure that I didn't make a healthy choice turn into a bad one. It would have been easy to make a much worse-for-me choice with all the options on the menu-- but, I went a healthier route and my meal was absolutely delicious! We also went to my favorite Mexican restaurant with my parents-- and even though it it slightly more difficult to resist all the delicious cheese-covered food-- I was still healthy with the addition of guacamole and having water as my beverage. Maybe you can use today's challenge today-- or maybe it will be a few days before you go out to eat--but, either way... The Challenge Is: Even in a social setting and even at a restaurant, be intentional with what you put in your body. That's not to say that you can't have the food you enjoy, but make sure you make some healthy choices!

Fitness Challenge:
I had every intention to go to the gym with my family on Satuday-- but, we never made it. However, we still spent the vast majority of the day outside. My sister and I played on a playground at Lake Wylie and then all of us walked around Baxter Village in Fort Mill for much of the afternoon. We didn't get in any gym time, but we were still able to be active for most of the day. Yesterday, after everyone left, Chad and I wanted to play basketball-- but, the basketball was flat. So, we played catch with a football instead. We also went to the gym. Point being-- sometimes things don't go exactly how you planned, but you can still make the most of any situation and enjoy being active! None of us looked at playing or walking as exercise-- but it was still a great way to get some activity integrated into our time together! Challenge-- even if your original plan doesn't happen, you can still fit some activity into your day! Be sure to have daily movement and exercise (whether it is going to the gym or playing at a park with your kids, be sure to stay active daily!)

Out of Your Comfort Zone:
A couple months ago I met some wonderful ladies and a health fair. They are distributors of an organic coffee (delicious, by the way) and we have stayed in touch. We were supposed to meet for lunch on Friday, but with my family coming to town, I rescheduled. At that point, the ladies offered to bring some of their coffee to me at the office for my family to try. They came to the office and we had a wonderful conversation. Before you know it, we are talking about Transformation Church and how wonderful it is in conjunction with the food drive we were doing at the office. So, I invited them to church on Sunday morning and they came! But, not only did they come to church, they brought tons of food in for the food drive. AND they brought one of their daughters with them to church. Talking to them after the service, they loved it and say they will be coming back and that they felt like they spoke with me for the sheer purpose of being invited to Transformation-- that I was meant to have a conversation with them and they were meant to be there.
Point of the story-- if you are passionate about something, talk to others about it. Your passion is contagious and could be exactly what someone else needs!

Change Your Thinking:
Transformation Church is totally different than the church I grew up in. I knew my parents would enjoy the message, but I was still nervous that they wouldn't understand why I am so on fire about the church (simply because it is so different than the traditional service they are so used to)... they are my parents and their support means a lot to me. But, after church on Sunday, they knew exactly why I love Transformation Church. My daddy was singing right along with the songs-- my mom was taking sermon notes. Afterwards, they socialized in the lobby and met some of the many members that make Transformation amazing. So, even if something you love is different than what people are used to, share it with them! Yes, if you value their opinion, it might be hard to do-- but, it will be worth it! Be a missionary to everyone around you. Your family, your friends, your co-workers and every stranger you come into contact with. Live your life so that others can see your passion and experience the feeling you have!

Chad and I served on the Hospitality Team at Transformation Church for the first time yesterday. The first Sunday of the month is now our designated time to serve. It was AWESOME! Not only were my parents and a couple of my friends there, but it gave us a chance to greet everyone and, in a way, share our excitement for Transformation. When you are passionate about something, you want to share that passion with others. I hope that everyone who came in the doors felt as welcome as I do every time I am there-- and that they could tell that we (everyone there) were genuinely glad to see them! I know I have said this multiple times, but share you fire and your motivation with everyone! You never know the impact you can have on someone. Your life has a meaning and a purpose... and you have something to give the world that only you can! Get excited and let's make this world a better place, one person at a time!

Best Compliment I have received in a long time (if not ever): "Your passion and love for this church and this mission pours out of you and made us want to experience it, too! We will be back and we will be bringing all of our kids... my daughter even said that this is a place where she feels connected. Thank you for sharing this with us!"
Mom, Chad and Daddy after church!

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