That's not to say that I don't absolutely love where I am now-- because I do! I have an awesome boyfriend and a great church. I have met wonderful people and am creating a close group here, too. Sara has become a great friend and one of my favorite people to talk to... Amy is one of the nicest ladies I have ever met and is always great for a conversation. Kelly reminds me the most of my friends from home. Jesse has become a really close friend and reminds me a lot of the guys who have been some of my best friends my entire life... Hannah and Megan remind me so much of my roommates from college. Life here is great, too! Different stages, different people... but all great!
Mary-Beth, Steffi, Me, Danielle-- Steffi's Surprise Bday Dinner |
Danielle, Me, Steffi-- Jason Aldean Concert |
Me and Steffi--- Pool day headed to Sonic |
Madison, Lindsey, Me, Montana-- Calhoun High School Football Game |
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Carrie and Me-- Athens, Ga |
Nutrition Challenge:
Today's challenge is less about nutrition and more about natural ways to get through the allergy season and be able to enjoy spring! First of all, if you have never used a Netti Pot-- get one and try it! It is kind of disgusting, but it really works! Second, you are going to hate me because of the taste... but apple cider vinegar will dramatically help your allergies! If you can't stand drinking it (it taste horrible), dilute some with water, steam it and inhale. It will help to clear out your sinuses. I am not an expert on all the uses of it, so I am not going to try to sound like it-- I just know it works for me! So, if your allergies are driving you insane and you don't like taking a lot of medicines-- Google it! It will help!!!
Fitness Challenge:
Now that you have ways to get your allergies under control, I want you to enjoy spring! If you have a talent for making things grow, plant some flowers or a garden! No, it's not the most intense activity you can get-- but it will get you outside and provide beauty for you to enjoy all season! If you are like me and can't seem to make anything grow, find a park where you can enjoy the natural beauty around you! Find a nature trail or somewhere you can be outside, enjoy your surroundings and exercise!
I know a lot of you appreciate the more intense fitness challenges... and trust me, there will be very intense days... but, we can't neglect our metal fitness/well-being either! Websters definition of health: the condition of being sound in mind, body and spirit. With that being said-- let's not neglect our minds and spirits on our road to good health!!
Out of Your Comfort Zone:
I have been reading A LOT of good, inspirational books lately. Most recently: The Purpose Driven Life, I'm Not Good Enough and Other Lies Women Tell Themselves, and Captivating. I am on the last chapter of Captivating and had to put it down because I am not ready for the book to be over yet! The greatest things about these books is that every thing and every point mention is backed up with scripture. I'm Not Good Enough is about the lies we are taught to believe about ourselves and the truth we can find in the Word of God... I didn't even know I needed to read a book like that until I started! Captivating is about what it means to be a woman and the unique purpose a woman has in this world... yes, it goes much deeper than that, but that gives you a general idea. I would recommend EVERY woman to read these books-- so, I don't want to give the story away and ruin the experience for you!
So, the challenge today is to dig deeper into the person that you are and the person you are meant to be... (male or female, the challenge is universal-- even though the books mention dig into the heart of females) figure out why you react the way you do to certain circumstances. It is not easy and not something that can be completed in a day-- rather it will take time to figure it out and a lifetime practicing living to your potential. But, it's a journey that I am on and a journey that is well worth it!!
Change Your Thinking:
Your opinion matters and is unique and valuable. A lot of times if I don't feel like my opinion is valued, I shut down. Completely the wrong reaction and I am working on it. If I don't share my opinion, who else will? Nobody. If I don't share my heart and the core of who I am, who else can? Nobody. The same goes for you!
As humans, we all want to be loved, valued and cherished... I believe women are particularly sensitive to this (but, I'm not a man, so I can't speak for them)! Great news is... we already are! So you feel like nobody understands your stance on a particular situation? Take your thoughts to God... He created you, He loves you and He knows the place you have in the world!
I am not going to dig deeper into this-- because this is where your heart takes over. You know the issues you struggle with-- take time today to begin sorting them out!
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and is His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the Devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against the flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." Ephesians 6:10-13
"Offering a tender vulnerability can only be done by an incredibly strong woman, a woman rooted in Christ Jesus who knows whose she is and therefor knows who she is." (Quoted from, "Captivating")
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