I am currently sitting outside our office on a bench to enjoy this beautiful day while writing this entry! I honestly can't think of a better way to spend my lunch break! It is sunny with a slight breeze and the sun feels incredible. I have said this on my twitter account before, but I really don't understand how people say they don't believe in God... especially if they take the time to enjoy the beauty that surrounds them on a daily basis!
This past weekend was wonderful... one of the best that Chad and I have had, as a couple, in a long time. We spent the entire weekend together and enjoying being around each other-- finally putting the office and everything work related to the side for a couple days! On Saturday we went to a Spring Festival hosted by Indian Land Elementary School and then we walked about downtown Fort Mill for a little while. It really is a beautiful place; you just have to take the time to experience it! After that, we headed to Charlotte to a place called Julia's Coffee and Books... a great little coffee shop/bookstore that benefits Habitat for Humanity. We both got a few books and a coffee and sat there talking and browsing for a while. Then, we stopped at a produce stand on the way home and found some deliciously fresh vegetables. About that time, the storm started! The sky was insane looking and we were under a tornado warning for most of the night... hail golf ball to baseball size fell from the sky for longer than I thought possible. It was a very stormy end to a beautiful day... but, it was still great!
Sunday morning we went to church-- and it was one of the best messages I have ever heard. It is so great to have a place that feels so right every time you walk into the doors. Plus, it is a place that inspires everyone to do their part in living out God's purpose. I can't tell you how wonderful Transformation Church has already been in out lives. Afterwards, we did the weekly routine of grocery shopping. Then enjoyed another day outside! It was a wonderful day and weekend... and I am continuing to enjoy the weather today!
Oddly enough, the devotion that I did today was about sharing your positive experiences with others... whether it be a book you are reading or anything else that has been helpful in your life. With that being said, I highly recommend all the ladies read, "I'm Not Good Enough and other Lies Women Tell Themselves," and, "Captivating." For the men, "Wild at Heart," is the same concept as, "Captivating." I am currently reading, "The Measure of a Woman," and, so far, would also recommend it. "The Measure of a Man," is the male version of the same concept! I will make it a point to keep everyone posted in the books that help me.
Today's challenges are going to be a little different-- it is an, "all-in-one," type challenge today. A couple weeks ago, my mom asked me to make her a workout program (primarily to target her arms) and today I am going to share her program with you! Obviously, since it is for my mom, it is very near and dear to my heart. Take what you can use and apply it in your own life!
I am sorry it has taken me a few days to sit down and come up with a routine for you... You know you sometimes have to remind me to do things! First of all, remember that daddy has been working out and training his entire life-- his knowledge of all fitness and nutrition concepts is much more developed than yours will be-- and that is both okay and expected. You don't have to know everything, but you have a huge advantage by having people who love you to help you along the way. You are going to need his motivation and support-- and possibly advice on how to correctly do some of the exercises-- and that is also okay! Don't let anyone tell you that you won't stick with it long enough to do results-- if someone says that, use it for your own personal motivation! There is no magic pill to get you to where you need to be overnight-- if there were, trainers would be out of jobs! You would never expect any of your students to grasp a new concept in a day-- and I want you to have the same mindset when it comes to your workout routine! Practice makes perfect... and once you establish the habit of working out, the more you will want to follow through. Results take time but the feelings of accomplishment once you finish a workout is immediate!
First and foremost, nutrition plays a huge role in your success. You can workout 24 hours a day and never see results if you aren't feeding your body right. Eating something small every couple of hours is ideal-- and I know that can be hard to do during the weeks when you are at work. I want you to find a protein shake and some nutrition bars that you can eat and keep them with you in the classroom at all times... every few hours, eat or drink. This will keep you from overeating by preventing you from ever being hungry. It will also keep your metabolism elevated and your blood sugar at a healthy level. When looking for bars, don't assume they are healthy-- look at the nutritional facts and avoid the ones that a higher in sugar (yes, I know those are also the ones that taste the best). Nuts and fruit would also be good options for you to keep on hand. Be careful with portion size during your meals, too. Also, I know we have talked about this before-- but hydration is key! Have a water with you at all times. If you start to feel thirsty, it is your body telling you that you are already dehydrated. Don't let that happen. And forget diet sodas... the artificial sweeteners in them never allow your brain to receive the signal that you are full. You will drink less if you drink, "the real thing," but still limit your soda intake as much as you possibly can.
Next, the biggest barrier we all face is our own mind. Don't think that you can't do it... if you think that, you can't. Just do it to the best of your ability and have the mindset that you are a work in progress and can continuously improve. If it will help you, ask one of your friends to workout with you. If they miss a workout though, it is still your responsibility to do it on your own! If you are too tired at the end of the day or if you find yourself making excuses to not workout after work, do it in the mornings. You have to get over your mind telling you that you can't do it or talking you into putting it off. Action will bring results.
I know your main concern are your arms-- but I also don't want you to ignore any part of your body. All parts of the body are useful for the overall function. Separate your workouts into body parts-- don't try to do it all in one day! I workout 3 days in a row, take a day off (or devote it to cardio...) and then repeat. Also, I switch up the body parts that I work together and the exercises that I do. Dumbbells and cables are my favorite-- you might want to invest in a couple dumbbells (they force you to also use small, stabilizer muscles). Daddy already has the cables in the basement-- so, you are good to go there!
Some good, basic exercises you can do with the equipment daddy already has::
-Bench press
-Incline press
-Lat. pull-downs.
-Leg press
-Calf raises
-Hammer curls
-Preacher curls
-Tricep pull downs (you will want to do this--let daddy show you the form--it will help your problem area)
-Crunches (let daddy show you how to do crunches with the cables)
--If you get dumbbells, I highly recommend kick-backs and skull-crushers.
Use these basic exercises as a starting point-- I am not going to go into detail on how to do everything. Form is key, so have daddy by your side until you are comfortable with everything. Like I tell my clients, we are not adding weight until you have the perfect form! The exercises will be more effective and you will avoid injury. As you get more advance, we will discuss super-sets and drop-sets-- my favorite way to workout!
Don't worry about getting, "man muscles," even if you do the same routine as daddy does-- we do not have enough testosterone in our bodies for that!
I hope this helps to get you motivated and to get you started! Wish I were there to help.
I love you,
***If you pay attention to the letter you will see that it has: Nutrition, Fitness, Change Your Thinking (you can do it, not you can't) and Out of Your Comfort Zone (ask for help and motivation) challenges included!!
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