Monday, February 28, 2011

You are Significant

I hope everyone had a great weekend and found ways to encourage themselves and others... and that everyone's Monday is off to a great start!

I know the words, "great," and, "Monday," don't often go in the same sentence... but yes, even Monday can be a great day!

Chad tells me every time I let stress get to me that all I need to do is change my mindset. It sounds simple-- and it honestly doesn't seem like a mindset can change anything-- but the truth is, it changes everything! If you are down, focus on the positives. If you are down, turn your struggles over to God and trust him to get you through the storm.

"The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you."

I am sure all of us have heard that saying at one point or another-- but how many of us have actually taken the time to think about and then believe it? It does not say that life will be easy or that we will always understand what God's will is-- but it does say that we will never be where the grace of God will not protect us. We probably have a hard time understanding that because not many of us truly understand, "Grace." It goes against human nature and goes against our naturally selfish will. Grace says that you will love, forgive and protect IN SPITE of the circumstances... human nature says that you will do things for others based on what they do for you. Changing your mindset to one based on God's will and God's grace instead of the standards of the world will make even the most impossible tasks more manageable-- because you are acknowledging that you cannot do everything by yourself and that you do need help. You have to be strong to ask for help-- even though the world tells us that asking for help makes us weak.

Nutrition Challenge:
For those of you have started your daily nutrition log-- congratulations! You have something to look back on and see where you need to make changes. Up until this point, we have been adding things to our diet... today, I am going to ask you to give something up. You do not have to give it up, "cold turkey," or even completely eliminate it at all-- but pick something that you know is holding you back from being a healthier you-- and cut it out! If you drink multiple sodas or coffees a day, try to only have one. If you eat a candy bar everyday, try to only eat one a couple of days this week. Small changes make all the difference! Continue to drink more water and to add in your healthy item before meals-- track your progress in your nutrition log-- as the changes happen, your sense of satisfaction will grow!

Fitness Challenge:
We have started out very slowly... and I hope everyone is feeling better now that they have some activity in their life! I hope you remembered to check out gyms or parks in your area-- because that will make todays challenge a lot easier!
Did you know that 1-minute of all out, as hard as you can go, cardio work will boost your metabolism? And that if you repeat the 1-minute of all out, as hard as you can go, cardio 6 to 8 times you can boost your metabolism for 24 hours?
So-- the challenge today-- go the the gym or park that you found... or a track in your area... and do some interval training! Meaning, warm up at a walk or comfortable jog (depending on your fitness level) and then go as hard as you can for 1 minute. After that, cool down at a walk or comfortable jog for 2 minutes... and then repeat. This is called interval training and it is the most effective way for your body to burn fat! As your fitness level increases, the cool down time should reduce in time.

Out of Your Comfort Zone:
If you are like me-- or at least like I have been for most of my life-- you probably sleep until the very last minute and then press the, "Snooze Button," as many times as you can in the morning. Tomorrow, we are changing that! I challenge you to set your alarm for 10 minutes early AND actually get up. This will set the pace for your day-- During the 10 minutes, think about your day and what you want to accomplish. Turn to your Bible or another motivational book for inspiration to start your day. Enjoy breakfast or a morning coffee-- whatever you need to do to start your day off positively.
I know, everyone likes to sleep in... but, this will help! For the past month, I have been giving myself time in the morning (and I am NOT a morning person, at all) and it really does make all the difference in the world. I have been reading, "The Purpose Driven Life," and, "Hero." Both are amazing books-- and both turn you to Bible verses to get your day started with inspiration and positive thinking.

Change Your Thinking:
YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE. You matter. What you put out into the world IS noticed and DOES have an impact on others. Nobody's life is insignificant.

I had a long conversation with my Daddy this morning and it really brought that point home. He told me that he was proud of me and that he was glad his, "Da-Da's Doll," was back. (Da-Da's Doll is what I would tell people my name was when I was a very young girl... and it is still what my Daddy calls me).
My parents worry about me-- they know my personality and they can tell when I am stressed or sad or not myself-- even when I tell them everything is okay.
My Daddy told me today that he could tell that I was happy-- and that his driven, hard working daughter that he never had to worry about was back. Even though I always tell him things are okay, he could tell that I had gotten off track and had tried to handle too many things by myself instead of turning to God and to prayer... and now that I am more focused on being a positive example and living how I know I should, he can tell that difference, too.

My parents live 4 and a half hours from me and can tell that much about my life during phone calls and text messages-- Imagine the IMPACT YOU have on those you are around daily.

Whatever your job, goals, or any other current position in life is/are... please know that YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE to those around you.

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." (Anne Frank)

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

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