Yesterday, the challenges were a little bit harder, so I am going to use this entry as a reflection on yesterday.
Okay, be honest, how many people followed through with the challenges yesterday? If you added more water throughout the day and a little bit of stretching after your walk, congratulations! If not, it's never too late to start... and remember, we are making lifestyle habits, so keep at it today!
The other challenges were a little harder. I want to start off by saying thank you, to anyone who reads this, for holding me accountable for the, "Out of Your Comfort Zone," challenge. Yesterday, I looked at a blank computer screen for a while-- and then got back to work. I was at the office until 2pm yesterday and at the gym from then until 8pm--and once I got home, I put it off again (I guess I wasn't kidding when I said out of your comfort zone). But, knowing I would ask who completed the challenges, I sat down this morning and sent out a message to an old friend that I haven't spoken to in almost 2 years. I went with the Facebook message option-- I have changed phones since we last spoke and no longer have her phone number, so a call wasn't an option. Email would have been good; but I think Facebook will reach her quicker. If you were like me and put it off, please get around to doing it today. We can always come up with hundreds of excuses to prevent us from doing something, but we will always have a greater impact and get more done if we don't take the time to make excuses for ourselves. If calling is too intimidating for you or you don't have the number anymore, try a different method of communication. An email or letter will let you get your feelings out without opening the argument or other situation up again.
What about the areas of control? Was anyone able to reflect on that and and make a conscious effort to trust God to handle areas of our lives where we don't know what to do? "Let go and let God," is a popular saying for a reason....
Personally, I like thinking I am able to control situations. Acknowledging that things are out of my control; and not feeling weak when I cannot control situations, is something that I am working on. I am very much a work in progress, and I always will be. No matter what improvements I make in my life, there will always be something I can do better... and that is not a weakness. I have learned that sharing the burden or the stresses will soften your personal load-- so, talk to those who are closest to you. Be receptive of their input. And ultimately, pray and willingly leave your sorrows in God's hands.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
The other challenges were a little harder. I want to start off by saying thank you, to anyone who reads this, for holding me accountable for the, "Out of Your Comfort Zone," challenge. Yesterday, I looked at a blank computer screen for a while-- and then got back to work. I was at the office until 2pm yesterday and at the gym from then until 8pm--and once I got home, I put it off again (I guess I wasn't kidding when I said out of your comfort zone). But, knowing I would ask who completed the challenges, I sat down this morning and sent out a message to an old friend that I haven't spoken to in almost 2 years. I went with the Facebook message option-- I have changed phones since we last spoke and no longer have her phone number, so a call wasn't an option. Email would have been good; but I think Facebook will reach her quicker. If you were like me and put it off, please get around to doing it today. We can always come up with hundreds of excuses to prevent us from doing something, but we will always have a greater impact and get more done if we don't take the time to make excuses for ourselves. If calling is too intimidating for you or you don't have the number anymore, try a different method of communication. An email or letter will let you get your feelings out without opening the argument or other situation up again.
What about the areas of control? Was anyone able to reflect on that and and make a conscious effort to trust God to handle areas of our lives where we don't know what to do? "Let go and let God," is a popular saying for a reason....
Personally, I like thinking I am able to control situations. Acknowledging that things are out of my control; and not feeling weak when I cannot control situations, is something that I am working on. I am very much a work in progress, and I always will be. No matter what improvements I make in my life, there will always be something I can do better... and that is not a weakness. I have learned that sharing the burden or the stresses will soften your personal load-- so, talk to those who are closest to you. Be receptive of their input. And ultimately, pray and willingly leave your sorrows in God's hands.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
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